State of the
Charlie Earl
No…it’s not
a typo although my fat little arthritic fingers do err from time to time.
Tuesday night’s State of the Union address was an agonizing hour for me as I
listened to our Glorious Leader’s litany of lies and distortions. The man makes
my skin crawl with his arrogance and his presumption that government knows what
is best for my life….especially HIS version of government. His historical,
economic and cultural knowledge bases are so deficient, that every assertion he
makes lacks realistic context. He is woefully uninformed, unapologetic about
his ignorance and radically disengaged from real life. His philosophical base
is so off kilter that he makes the Three Stooges look like the Three Wise Men.
But he is not funny. He is a clown.
In some
respects the onion is a metaphor for our nation. An inner core can be similar
to our First Principles as defined by the framing and founding of our nation.
Each layer of the onion can represent the 50 separate states that form the
country. Each can stand alone as an enhancer of life and liberty, but when
combined together they form a more perfect onion. Onions generally are more
effective as flavor enhancers rather than as a main entrée’. Thus…the onion
metaphor works best when government protects our liberty rather than
overwhelming or dominating our lives.
The onion
can also serve as a metaphor for the Tuesday night State of the Union address
given by His Grand Impotentate. Throughout the interminable hour he peeled off
program after program following absurd assertions about the necessity for more
government in each and every area he addressed. One of his most misleading
morsels of misinformation was when he urged us “to reignite the true engine of
America’s economic growth: a rising, thriving middle class.” The state of our
onion began unraveling at that point because reigniting is impossible if the
president and the government continually throw cold water on the ignition fuse.
Governments do not generate economic growth: they can either stay out of the
way or inhibit it.
“They do
expect us to forge reasonable compromise where we can….” removes another layer
from our national onion as the oppressiveness from our government has developed
to the point that any compromise
results in further deterioration of our rights and liberty. There is no
“reasonable” in Washington, D.C. because there is very little common-sense
reasoning. Their goals for compromise are simply to strike a deal and claim to
have resolved the issue. In reality they fear the political consequences of
attacking a problem in a head-on and straightforward manner. They lie and
dissemble, mislead and distort to avoid responsibility. The President is the
number one issue dodger, but Congress is on his heels as they run from
Here are
just a few of the onion layers that were peeled away during the Tuesday night
waste of prime time programming: Medicare costs will be based on the quality of
care for seniors. Who’s the judge, and who designs the criteria? Another is: we
cannot violate the guarantee of a secure retirement. OK…so when our taxes
become even more excessive, when our government has no source for borrowing, or
when our currency collapses, … just how valuable is that worthless government “guarantee?”
He wants to eliminate “special interest tax breaks and loopholes. Will he begin
with the ineffective and non-productive ones such as solar, wind and ethanol?
No…because they are “favored” by government and contribute heavily to preferred
politicians. The layers of the onion are peeling away faster than I can
comment. My eyes are turning red and the sniffling has begun.
Crookidente remarked “…the greatest nation on Earth cannot keep conducting
business by drifting from one manufactured crisis to the next.” Surely he means
“climate change,” “inequality and unfairness,” and the typical “revenue
shortfall” or “investment needs.” The onion began unraveling at a pace that
made it blurry, and I found myself sobbing uncontrollably. The inner core was
moldy, soft and rotting. The state of the onion is stinky and its peeling is
not at all appealing.
Charlie Earl
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