Friday, October 19, 2012

Hope on the Trampoline

Hope on the Trampoline
Charlie Earl

One of the lines from Alexander Pope’s “Essay on Man” exclaims that “hope springs eternal in the human breast.” This astute observation illustrates why so many people purchase lottery tickets (state-run gambling). The poetic line also explains why so many voters cast their ballots against their own self interests. They appear to hope that the indicators suggesting a particular candidate holds principle different theirs will dissolve once the happy warrior assumes office. They hope beyond hope that THIS candidate will be the faithful one who takes her or his oath of office seriously. Conversely, others dare to hope that their preferred office seeker will be the innkeeper who turns open the spigots of government revenue for their plundering. It is our nature to waver between hope and despair in national, personal or human affairs. Often it seems that when the times are darkest, hope springs forth.

One of the great advantages of my being a curmudgeonly commentator is that I have a literary license for examining the dark side of our social, moral and political existence. Curmudgeons are cranky grumblers, and I have catapulted the attribute into the stratosphere of disgruntled discontent. Like you, however, I do experience moments of unreasonable optimism and hope. Like you, I can find no rational justification for my tiny fits of feel-good frenzy. Unlike you, however, I temper my irrational moments by analyzing current events through the harsh prism of liberty. You and others like you see a little gain or a perceived advantage from one party, candidate or policy, and your automatic “hope response” kicks in. You want the statement to be true, definitive and absolute. My curmudgeonly antennae direct me to respond with cynical skepticism. In my view….when we are allowed to RETAIN a portion of our freedom, it suggests that we will not REGAIN that which has already been lost. You see the slight sliver of hope for restoration, and I grieve over the liberties lost and opportunities wasted. While you may do the victory dance that celebrates the present state, I am weeping over all the dances that have gone before with tragic outcomes.

Perhaps my jaded view arises from my four decades of political activism and as a media practitioner. Back in the early 80’s I was one of those “extremists” who fought every inch and centimeter of government growth. People from both old parties condemned my colleagues and me for our unyielding positions and our insistence that compromising basic principles would lead to losing our freedom. Subsequently….many of my fellow workers in the vineyards of liberty have become co-opted by the system, intimidated by their parties or have dropped out of the process altogether. Blessedly…..some have died and escaped the woeful circumstances that they presciently predicted while many others have retired to lick their wounds and weep alone. The march toward tyranny is continuing unabated because too many voters confuse electoral success with principled victory. Winning isn’t enough when the aftertaste of victory is bittersweet.

Our varying views on pragmatism and political reality are similar to people’s views about crop circles. The most optimistic observers seem to accept that the amazing designs were created by some benign extra-terrestrial beings. The skeptics assume that every field-based creation is the product of vandals or hooligans. The wizened and battle-weary curmudgeon bemoans the waste of valuable crops. Too many voters expect the next crop of political messiahs to lead us out of the wilderness of big government, and a few others have decided that any potential political leader is a hooligan and a thug, so they decide to capitalize on the chaos and distrust. Meanwhile….the curmudgeons among us are looking for seed to restore the field.

Finally….the curmudgeons among us are a testy lot (present company included). We recognize the slippery slope of compromise that has befallen our nation and its people. We have discerned that each and every tiny movement away from principle takes us farther from the standard….the foundation. When our friends, families and co-workers attempt to nudge us into compromise, we react forcefully…. with horror and loathing. We become more resolute. We may not have the insight and understanding of Jeremiah. In fact many of us are second-string, associate, assistant minor prophets, but we do share something with Jeremiah. We weep.   Jeremiah 6:16.

When one springs upward with hope on the trampoline of life, one cannot escape the law of gravity. The critical key is….will one land on the trampoline to repeat the exercise or land with both feet on the ground?

Charlie Earl

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