Friday, December 21, 2012

Granny's in the Attic.

Granny’s in the Attic
Charlie Earl

As a grandparent whose spouse, children and grandchildren sometimes suspect of being a full bubble off plumb, I hesitate to write this. The unspeakable events that occurred in Newtown, Connecticut, just a week ago raise so many questions and even more proposed solutions than seems possible. Predictably the first response from the statist-tyrannical class was to further limit the availability of firearms and some accessories for the people. Actually….on frequent occasions I heard people suggest that only the military and the police should be armed. This is the purest definition of tyrannical despotism that I can imagine. The Sandy Hook incident has three overarching themes that merit examination in my view. First, what role do firearms have in our society? Two, how do we measure, quantify and qualify the value of individual lives in our country? Third, how do we define, treat or isolate those who are aberrant, deviant, mentally ill or flat out crazy or evil?

Admittedly, as a gun owner and constitutionalist, I enter this discussion with a natural bias. I believe that The Constitution of the United States of America gives me the absolute and undeniable right to possess firearms. Although I assiduously obey the laws of the nation and my state (Ohio), I believe that many of the laws and regulations that impact or limit my 2nd Amendment right are indeed unconstitutional. Firearms are tools, and tools can be misused. Lizzie Borden allegedly used an axe to commit a crime. Today….she would have a chain saw at her supposedly criminal command. Tools are inanimate objects.

It seems odd to me that the collectivist statists among us are willing to ban every conceivable harmful object or activity to protect us from ourselves and one another, but have no difficulty defending the deviants and perverts of our society. Typically…they seek to limit our individual rights for the “good” of all except for when they insist that social deviancy be given extra latitude in the culture. In other words…they are willing to put everyone at risk in order to not infringe on the outlier’s humanity, but at the same time are eager to broadly limit the rights of the rest of us. It appears to me, a right-to-life advocate and believer, that the collectivists-statists value individual lives ONLY when they are aberrant or not normal.

More than a century ago when our nuclear families were more intact and cross-generational, family members would deal with the mentally ill and dangerous relatives using their own resources. Nutty granny would be locked in the attic or crazy Aunt Tillie would be chained to her bed. As government grew larger and society looked to government for solutions, state hospitals and asylums became the social and political answers for dealing with the incompetent and the dangerous people among us. Just as there are members of the populace who are unstable and dangerous, there are also those among us who are greedy, lazy and venal. In the home-based system and the institutional setup there were abuses. Some people were shackled or locked up merely for being different. Others were put away because their “loved ones” wanted control of an estate. Some were undoubtedly abused while theoretically under “care.” As a result, some 50 years ago a movement gained momentum to dismantle the institutions that were erected to care for those who have difficulty navigating through life. Today…we have come full circle wherein the sick and the crazy are the responsibilities of their families…. except that the ACLU and other so-called “rights” organizations have intervened to allow the adult social deviants the final word in their treatment, incarceration or medication unless they have been convicted of a crime. The result is that either families must restrain a potentially dangerous person, or the government will place them in prison AFTER they have performed some heinous act. Meanwhile…all of us are walking on eggs shells, fearing that the next person we inadvertently offend will harm us. And the government, the collectivists, the statists and the uninformed bleeding hearts want to outlaw our means of defense.

Charlie Earl

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