Thursday, September 27, 2012

Too Big to Prevail

Too Big to Prevail?
Charlie Earl

My written ramblings often generate emails that accuse me of being (paraphrasing and consolidating) a hopeless pessimist. Over the years I have learned that one of the better tools for achieving success is to anticipate the “worst case scenario” so that one does not become devastated by a setback. Frankly…I’m a hope-filled reasonably happy individual. We ignore perilous trends and triggers, however, if we choose to permanently reside in Pollyanna-ville. Crap happens. Sometimes we are the cause, and other times we are the collateral damage, but as certain as the sun will rise tomorrow, is the fact that our best-laid plans will often go awry. Let me provide a current example: Barrack H. Obama is a terrible President of the United States. He is lazy and incompetent. His ideology is anti-human and anti-liberty. Many of us would agree that his reelection would be destructive for the future of our nation. However….. a BIG however, the election of Mitt Romney, Jill Stein or Gary Johnson will not stop our slide into tyranny. If any of these three are selected by the voters, our task will not be over. No, a new series of challenges will face us as a new ideology, a different approach or alternate priorities are the driving forces in government. New challenges will replace the old ones.

When we are aware of the flaws in our plans, we are more able to alter them or compensate for them. Merely recognizing the imperfections, though, does not correct them. The plan must be restructured to address the new reality if our eventual goal(s) is to be achieved. In addition although people are needed to implement a plan of action, we must resist the temptation to invest our adoration and total confidence in certain individuals. Hero worship will not secure our liberty. The Lone Ranger is fictional, and William Wallace (Braveheart) is long dead. The plan for national restoration should not hinge on personalities or political promises, but should be firmly anchored to the principle of individual liberty. If we look to changes in government for our goals, we are condemned to disappointment. Our focus….our fervor…..our fight must be directed toward achieving the maximum of personal sovereignty for every person in the land. End of mini-sermon for today.

As many of you are receiving this, I’ll be on the road toward Lima as our bbq business has a large catering event at the PepsiCo Bottling Plant there. This is our second year, and it will be great to see some of the folks again. I should return home in time to grab a few hours sleep before watching my beloved Buckeyes travel to East Lansing and take on Sparty. This game will be a true test for the young pups on the OSU roster. Go Bucks!!

Although I believe that our President is an idiot, I suspect that a large number of our fellow citizens are just as clueless as he. Case in point: The Libyan fiasco--  He continues to advance the meme that a low-grade You Tube video is the spark for unrest in the Mideast and the driving impetus for the deaths of four Americans. First, Muslim unrest and anger towards the U.S.A. and our citizens is NOT a new development. Second, even the president of Libya states that the attacks there were preplanned and coordinated. So why doesn’t Obama understand the real picture? And why aren’t the citizens of the country demanding that he face reality and accept responsibility?

Finally….remember that it takes more than a course correction to reach your destination. You also need enough fuel or energy to complete the journey.

Have a blessed weekend.

Charlie Earl

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

All in...or not.

All In….or Not.
Charlie Earl

Readers of these columns and the ones from my previous site, , have sometimes responded that my views regarding constitutional governance are “too rigid” or “unrealistic.” They’re probably right…. if constitutional fidelity is merely a lip-service rally cry. That is not the case for me. I truly believe that STRICT constitutional adherence is our only hope for preserving our liberty, our economic freedom and our democratic republic. You might ask if such a move would be devastating. Yes, it would be brutal, disruptive, chaotic and perhaps dangerous, but the only alternative that I can see is our inexorable march toward tyranny.  In my view we must either be “all in” or fold like a cheap lawn chair. Half-measures and partial solutions are meaningless and delusional.

Clearly our present structure and system will not allow for an incremental approach for restoring The Constitution of the United States. Our political leaders have neither the will nor the incentive to obey their oaths of office. For example, let’s assume that the entire nation endorsed a national referendum for an incremental glide path towards an original and literal constitutional federal government. Obviously some programs, agencies, departments and cabinet-level bureaucracies would be targeted for elimination. Which ones go first? How far? How quickly? Hordes of lobbyists, interest groups, labor and business organizations and committee chairpersons would be alley-fighting to preserve their favorite illicit unconstitutional government intervention. Flies on garbage, vultures on carrion and Paris Hilton on stupid would appear to be calm and orderly compared to the political bloodletting that would occur in Washington. No…gradualism and delay will energize the statists and the looters, and the ultimate result could be more egregious and unmanageable than our current mess. Incremental transitioning to constitutional government is not possible in the present environment.

The commitment to our Constitution has to be done swiftly and abruptly. Whole agencies, departments, bureaus and cabinet-level offices must be dismantled, destroyed and de-funded. While there may be some constitutionally necessary functions within the down-sized bureaucracy, they can be transferred to other constitutional departments or passed on to the states. The process should be designed, coordinated and implemented in detail by Congress….probably a special bi-partisan joint committee involving both chambers. This aspect of the transformation is the only element that is incremental in approach. The plan must be done in a deliberate manner so that the execution of the transition can be done as seamlessly as possible. Once the effort has been initiated, it must be completed quickly so as to minimize disruptions.

Now that my meds have worn off, I’m fully aware that few of our political masters have the motivation and the will to faithfully execute their oaths of office. They greedily seek power and influence, and when they acquire them, they are usually reluctant to relinquish them. Some of you may believe that I am an unrealistic absolutist because I frequently rant about faithfully following the Constitution. Well, you’re right, but failure to limit our government’s reach beyond its constitutional limits suggests that SOMEONE is deciding which aspects of the law to ignore or pervert. That “someone” is not you….or me therefore the notion that we are a democratic republic is nothing more than a fiction. It has become a shameful scam to keep us docile and compliant as our “betters” continually violate our supreme national law.

Isn’t it about time that we leave the fairy tales to Aesop, Grimm and J.K. Rowling? We are not a constitutional democratic republic. We are something else, and however we describe it or define it, the cause of individual liberty is suffering and severely wounded.

Charlie Earl

Monday, September 24, 2012

Testy Means

Testy Means
Charlie Earl

According to most demographic determinants, I am a “senior citizen” or “golden-ager.” More accurately, though, I think of myself as a kid trapped in a fragile skeletal and muscular structure. My spouse and I have labored for many years to achieve some small level of economic freedom. Sometimes we were successful and other times we were not, but here we are approaching 70 years at break-neck speed. We have become rather adept at detecting the real meanings behind political-speak and government-speak. While the language is usually populist, it more closely resembles pure socialist thought.

One glaring example is the toxic term “means testing.” That little two-word explosive device is actually a synonym for “redistribution.” “Redistribution” can be informally defined as “retribution.” First…let me be clear that I am opposed to any non-constitutional government program that uses the FORCE of government to alter my natural inclinations or behaviors. The scam known as Social Security is a strong-armed government tactic used for generating a slush fund of money for government to divert into purposes other than the declared one of “setting resources aside for my retirement.” Social Security has for many years become the piggy bank and the artificial asset for profligate government spending and political vote-buying. The artificial “returns” on my “investment” could have been exceeded if I had invested a similar sum in buggy whip manufacturing or a chastity belt franchise.

Knowing how government functions, I am fully prepared to be informed that my “benefit (?)” will be reduced because I have other sources of income that may offset my “need” for my entire benefit (I use this term loosely because the government seeks to project the notion that my payment of FICA taxes and the subsequent withdrawal of the same was voluntary, therefore government will reward me with a “benefit” for my “contribution”). In other words….my contribution will be used to supplement those who contributed less….or not at all. The imaginary sums that I have paid to the Social Security Trust Fund (no security, no trust, no funds) will be redistributed to others via government coercion versus me and government largesse for others. I have no input into the equation other than to avoid earning taxable income in my early years. But…I was young and naïve….and monumentally stupid.

This column was inspired by Congressman Paul Ryan’s recent appearance while being booed before the AARP. Admittedly, I am not privy to the financial positions of any of those “seniors” in the audience. I do not know their life histories, but I will attempt to be charitable by assuming their dissatisfaction with Ryan’s words were because they feared that their lifelong ‘contributions” to the old-age system would be jeopardized by Ryan’s proposals. If I were mean spirited, I would assume their anger arose because they feared they would not be allowed to access MY contribution from the massive redistribution scheme. The concept of means testing the withdrawal of funds that were coerced from me does make me radically mean spirited. But my sense of being personally violated is not my sole….or even primary reason for opposing this massive redistribution scheme.

There is NO trust fund. There is no retirement or medical piggy bank for the older members of our nation. The funds for those idealistic goals come from current workers directly into the “out box” of government transfers. Presently….fewer than three workers (a diminishing class as we all know) support one retiree or “disabled” recipient. In other words, it is the same effect as adding another member to each and every household in the nation. Another member whose medical needs and special requirements are greater than the typical member of the family. Yes…the term “unsustainable” is an accurate description of the scam. So, too, are criminal, socialist, Marxist, despotic, tyrannical and a host of other terms that describe the theft of liberty and human dignity from the citizens of our nation.

To the class of crying clowns at the AARP meeting with Paul Ryan: grow up, face reality and stop this runaway train. The new definition of “means testing” should mean that if the Constitution doesn’t require it, we shouldn’t do it.
Charlie Earl


Friday, September 21, 2012

Undercover Safety

Undercover Safety
Charlie Earl

The safe security of the covers soothes the fears of a toddler who suspects a monster lurks in the closet or a boogeyman hides beneath the bed. The little tyke pulls the blankets high and nestles underneath in a make-believe womb of invincibility. Many adults are not much different. They refuse to acknowledge reality or to face adversity. They hide beneath the “covers” of ignorance or self-delusion. As logically thinking people, we know that the “covers” cannot protect us, but “out-of-sight-out-of-mind” denial may delay our having to face the inevitable. The “covers” offer the illusion of safety while the danger “outside” moves on … unabated and unchallenged. The “covers” will not protect us and cold hard reality will eventually intrude into our comfort zones.

The events in the Mid East and around the globe should provide strong evidence that for many of our politicians and diplomats, foreign policy is a foreign concept. On a personal level we often painfully discover that intervening in others’ business usually leads to dramatic repercussions. On a national or global level, the “blowback’ factor can be magnified several times. Just as individuals are all unique, so are nations although their uniqueness is compounded by the multiple individuals who dwell there. Thus the complexity of interpersonal relations increases many times to the point where simplicity is too narrow and complex solutions are unmanageable. To me….the logical response is “do your own thing….your own way,” but if you interfere with my nation, my culture or my life, you will encounter massive blowback. Certainly there are nations commanded by despots who will treat their citizens shamefully, but we have no right to interfere short of refusing to trade with them. Review our efforts to install “democratic” regimes for the past half-century. The record is dismal, and one can argue that in many instances the conditions for freedom in those countries have been degraded as theocrats and tyrants have assumed control. Just as in normal every-day life, MYOB may be a good and healthy prescription for foreign policy as well.

There are fewer than 7 weeks remaining in this year’s silly electoral season. One would think that given the abysmal record of the incumbent, this would be a blowout for the challenger. All the polls indicate a race to the finish which has panicked many in the GOP who are pleading with or threatening Libertarians and Paul-bots with dire consequences if they do not support the amazingly flawed statist who carries the Republican banner. Bottom line: principled, constitutional candidates may sway us. More statism and big-government devotees will repel us. The ball is in your court, GOP. Follow the rules, change the rules or get out of the game if you cannot nominate attractive candidates.

Valerie Jarrett, Special Advisor to the President, has a security detail of 5 Secret Service officers. Our Libyan Ambassador apparently had no security detail with him at the Consulate. Which one had the greater risk? Or…which one IS the greater danger for our republic? Just asking.

After 4 years of observation I do not believe the President is a Christian…or a Muslim…or a Gaian. His faith is centered on a misplaced devotion to himself and a delusional self-confidence. He is a megalomaniac…. A narcissist…. One unstable dude.

My beloved Buckeyes host UAB this weekend. The good guys are favored by more than 5 touchdowns as they tune up for next week’s contest with Sparty. The team is sophomore-heavy so anything is possible tomorrow. That’s why they play them.

Have a great autumn weekend, and if you feel particularly brave, go ahead and poke your head out from under the covers. Remember…without freedom….the rest is window dressing.

Charlie Earl

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bugle Call

Bugle Call
Charlie Earl

As a former trumpet player in high school though not a very good one, I hear the call of the bugle (a trumpet without valves). Any warrior can attest that the bugle call pierces the din of battle and informs the troops of the next maneuver. While headsets and earphones have replaced the bugle on the battlefield, the trusty instrument remains a staple for significant ceremonial occasions.

It seems rather clear to me that many of our people here in the U.S.A. should be introduced to the clarion call of the bellowing brass instrument. Perhaps “Reveille” would be the most appropriate beginning for our hapless citizenry. After all, many of them are in dire need of a resounding wake-up call. Too many appear to be sleepwalking through life and unaware of the constant dripping of big government eroding their liberty and limiting their choices. As our Declaration of Independence so emphatically exclaims, we have been endowed by God with the right to pursue our happiness….without having it defined and directed by innumerable bureaucracies and regulators. The bugle blast should stir them awake and spur them to awareness followed by action.

If we can sound the alarm with the bugle call, then the “Charge” command should be played. Skirmishes, battles and wars are not won by passively awaiting and tardily reacting to the opponents moves. Only a superior force with the advantage of favorable terrain can confidently sit tight and destroy the desperate foe. No, our force for liberty must charge the ramparts of statism, seize the initiative and propel our nation to victory. Our weapons will consist of dispensing knowledge, extolling the blessings of liberty and encouraging our fellow citizens with our enthusiasm, persistence and commitment. We have no choice. We must charge and change the momentum of the nation. Our passivity for the past century has placed us at this great disadvantage, and we must break out, break through….the barriers created by our own inattention. Action overcomes confusion, and purpose outweighs hesitancy.

It’s quite possible that our numbers may be insufficient and our weapons too ineffective for the moment. We may order the bugler to play “Retreat” as we re-group and reconsider our strategy and tactics. Few conquests of a worthy nature are acquired on the initial conflict. Feinting and attacking, probing and withdrawing, flanking and directly challenging will all be necessary to vanquish our foes -- indifference and fear. We must remember and loudly proclaim that freedom is worth the struggle. Even when we must withdraw from the field of battle, we should immediately begin to prepare the next assault on lethargy and indifference. We must convey through words and action that “the time is now.” The urgency of our message --- our rally cry — must be unmistakable and passion-filled. The time for all to inhale the sweet air of liberty…….is now.

All battles, all challenges, all undertakings worth doing include an element of risk. If successful, we will enjoy the precious taste of victory and the glorious benefits of liberty. If we fail after an arduous and painful struggle, we will be forced to assist our wounded, hide our dreams in secret places and return to the mass of people who never followed the bugler. It will be time for him to play “Taps.”

Charlie Earl