Monday, September 24, 2012

Testy Means

Testy Means
Charlie Earl

According to most demographic determinants, I am a “senior citizen” or “golden-ager.” More accurately, though, I think of myself as a kid trapped in a fragile skeletal and muscular structure. My spouse and I have labored for many years to achieve some small level of economic freedom. Sometimes we were successful and other times we were not, but here we are approaching 70 years at break-neck speed. We have become rather adept at detecting the real meanings behind political-speak and government-speak. While the language is usually populist, it more closely resembles pure socialist thought.

One glaring example is the toxic term “means testing.” That little two-word explosive device is actually a synonym for “redistribution.” “Redistribution” can be informally defined as “retribution.” First…let me be clear that I am opposed to any non-constitutional government program that uses the FORCE of government to alter my natural inclinations or behaviors. The scam known as Social Security is a strong-armed government tactic used for generating a slush fund of money for government to divert into purposes other than the declared one of “setting resources aside for my retirement.” Social Security has for many years become the piggy bank and the artificial asset for profligate government spending and political vote-buying. The artificial “returns” on my “investment” could have been exceeded if I had invested a similar sum in buggy whip manufacturing or a chastity belt franchise.

Knowing how government functions, I am fully prepared to be informed that my “benefit (?)” will be reduced because I have other sources of income that may offset my “need” for my entire benefit (I use this term loosely because the government seeks to project the notion that my payment of FICA taxes and the subsequent withdrawal of the same was voluntary, therefore government will reward me with a “benefit” for my “contribution”). In other words….my contribution will be used to supplement those who contributed less….or not at all. The imaginary sums that I have paid to the Social Security Trust Fund (no security, no trust, no funds) will be redistributed to others via government coercion versus me and government largesse for others. I have no input into the equation other than to avoid earning taxable income in my early years. But…I was young and naïve….and monumentally stupid.

This column was inspired by Congressman Paul Ryan’s recent appearance while being booed before the AARP. Admittedly, I am not privy to the financial positions of any of those “seniors” in the audience. I do not know their life histories, but I will attempt to be charitable by assuming their dissatisfaction with Ryan’s words were because they feared that their lifelong ‘contributions” to the old-age system would be jeopardized by Ryan’s proposals. If I were mean spirited, I would assume their anger arose because they feared they would not be allowed to access MY contribution from the massive redistribution scheme. The concept of means testing the withdrawal of funds that were coerced from me does make me radically mean spirited. But my sense of being personally violated is not my sole….or even primary reason for opposing this massive redistribution scheme.

There is NO trust fund. There is no retirement or medical piggy bank for the older members of our nation. The funds for those idealistic goals come from current workers directly into the “out box” of government transfers. Presently….fewer than three workers (a diminishing class as we all know) support one retiree or “disabled” recipient. In other words, it is the same effect as adding another member to each and every household in the nation. Another member whose medical needs and special requirements are greater than the typical member of the family. Yes…the term “unsustainable” is an accurate description of the scam. So, too, are criminal, socialist, Marxist, despotic, tyrannical and a host of other terms that describe the theft of liberty and human dignity from the citizens of our nation.

To the class of crying clowns at the AARP meeting with Paul Ryan: grow up, face reality and stop this runaway train. The new definition of “means testing” should mean that if the Constitution doesn’t require it, we shouldn’t do it.
Charlie Earl


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