Charlie Earl
The safe
security of the covers soothes the fears of a toddler who suspects a monster
lurks in the closet or a boogeyman hides beneath the bed. The little tyke pulls
the blankets high and nestles underneath in a make-believe womb of
invincibility. Many adults are not much different. They refuse to acknowledge
reality or to face adversity. They hide beneath the “covers” of ignorance or
self-delusion. As logically thinking people, we know that the “covers” cannot
protect us, but “out-of-sight-out-of-mind” denial may delay our having to face
the inevitable. The “covers” offer the illusion of safety while the danger
“outside” moves on … unabated and unchallenged. The “covers” will not protect
us and cold hard reality will eventually intrude into our comfort zones.
The events
in the Mid East and around the globe should provide strong evidence that for
many of our politicians and diplomats, foreign policy is a foreign concept. On
a personal level we often painfully discover that intervening in others’
business usually leads to dramatic repercussions. On a national or global
level, the “blowback’ factor can be magnified several times. Just as
individuals are all unique, so are nations although their uniqueness is
compounded by the multiple individuals who dwell there. Thus the complexity of
interpersonal relations increases many times to the point where simplicity is
too narrow and complex solutions are unmanageable. To me….the logical response
is “do your own thing….your own way,” but if you interfere with my nation, my
culture or my life, you will encounter massive blowback. Certainly there are
nations commanded by despots who will treat their citizens shamefully, but we
have no right to interfere short of refusing to trade with them. Review our
efforts to install “democratic” regimes for the past half-century. The record
is dismal, and one can argue that in many instances the conditions for freedom
in those countries have been degraded as theocrats and tyrants have assumed
control. Just as in normal every-day life, MYOB may be a good and healthy
prescription for foreign policy as well.
There are
fewer than 7 weeks remaining in this year’s silly electoral season. One would
think that given the abysmal record of the incumbent, this would be a blowout
for the challenger. All the polls indicate a race to the finish which has
panicked many in the GOP who are pleading with or threatening Libertarians and
Paul-bots with dire consequences if they do not support the amazingly flawed
statist who carries the Republican banner. Bottom line: principled,
constitutional candidates may sway us. More statism and big-government devotees
will repel us. The ball is in your court, GOP. Follow the rules, change the
rules or get out of the game if you cannot nominate attractive candidates.
Jarrett, Special Advisor to the President, has a security detail of 5 Secret
Service officers. Our Libyan Ambassador apparently had no security detail with
him at the Consulate. Which one had the greater risk? Or…which one IS the
greater danger for our republic? Just asking.
After 4
years of observation I do not believe the President is a Christian…or a Muslim…or
a Gaian. His faith is centered on a misplaced devotion to himself and a
delusional self-confidence. He is a megalomaniac…. A narcissist…. One unstable
My beloved
Buckeyes host UAB this weekend. The good guys are favored by more than 5
touchdowns as they tune up for next week’s contest with Sparty. The team is sophomore-heavy
so anything is possible tomorrow. That’s why they play them.
Have a great
autumn weekend, and if you feel particularly brave, go ahead and poke your head
out from under the covers. Remember…without freedom….the rest is window
Charlie Earl
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