Friday, March 15, 2013

Fictions and Factions

Fictions and Factions
Charlie Earl

Public service is supposed to be a noble pursuit. That’s the way it has been described in our history books and civic classes. Given that our elected and appointed officials have assumed a stance of imperial superiority, they are neither servants nor noble, and they often ignore the will of the public. Public service today is a sentimental fiction…somewhat like Santa Claus or Roy Hobbs. Compounding the myth of service is the sense the governments consistently lie, misrepresent or “misspeak” to us. It’s a veritable cornucopia of fictions heaped one on top of another. And…when governments do not lie, they classify important information so that we cannot discover what mischief they are pursuing.

We are surrounded by fictions. Most of our entertainment is fictitious including so-called “Reality T.V.” Our athletic superstars are caught using illegal substances to enhance their performances, our singing diva lip-syncs the National Anthem at the inauguration, and our preachers and priests are buggering children. Nothing or no one can be taken at face value anymore because we are inundated with fictions and deceit. Given how many lies and fictions permeate our daily lives if you’re not cynical or skeptical, then you probably do not deserve to consume oxygen. If you do not view nearly every statement from every imaginable source as doubtful, you are undoubtedly a low information member of the human species.

Factions are groups or organizations that work together for a common cause or goal. That definition sounds very inclusive, but in the present environment filled with deception and distortion, factions become very exclusive. We have become so jaded by the volume of lies that confront us that we severely restrict our sources of information to the point that we live on remote islands of knowledge. The progressive-socialist leaning crowd has their reliable sources, the libertarian-conservative group has theirs, the neo-con statists, the mushy middle…all tune in to their preferred bases of distortion and dismiss the others. The “working together” aspect of factions morphs into “never the twain shall meet.”

So….here we are, clustered with our little ideological or philosophical groups surrounded by other factions just as committed as ours. We take pot shots at one another while knowing that they lie continually while our side doesn’t lie as often. We are engaged in a massive war of attrition with each faction holding on until one or more of the other groups wave the white flag of surrender. It never happens. Rather than meekly giving in, each group becomes more firmly entrenched in its ideological fox hole. The issues and their remedies that divide us are numerous and perplexing, and we all have our preferences and ideals.

The key to minimizing the overwhelming weight of fictions that oppress us is to insist that the messages are distilled to the point of common understanding. I suggest we begin with: “Does this proposal, law or idea enhance our individual liberty?” Forget the perceived “good (a very subjective qualifier),” and concentrate on the purest attribute of personal freedom. The reduction of the arguments and talking points should lead to the dissolution of some of the factions. We should discover that while our methods and means may differ, our cooperative goals are to expand our opportunities for choices without government coercion. Obviously, there are factions who seek to invest the government with more power (perhaps even absolute power), but the distilling process should reduce the plethora of factions to a minimal, manageable number…..perhaps only two…those who love freedom and those who would deny liberty.

In the final analysis the real work must be done by each of us as individuals. We must force ourselves to look beyond the lies we favor and those we reject. We must insist on the fresh air of liberty. We must boil the arguments and statements down to their simplest base: Is MY freedom enhanced or encumbered? Liberty….first, foremost and forever!

Charlie Earl


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