Monday, March 4, 2013

March Forth, Patriot

March Forth, Patriot
Charlie Earl

The pilgrim is a wanderer, one who travels to a holy place or shrine. In these unsettled times all of us are pilgrims to one degree or another. Either we are wandering around in a state of disbelief, or we are engaged in a pilgrimage to find the tools to restore our nation to its founding ideals. There are many who scoff when we longingly speak of founding principles. They suggest that the principles were never real, or that our nation has drifted too far from them for any hope of returning. I must admit that our Founding Principles may be idealistic, but without lofty aspirations to challenge us, we will wallow in the lower reaches of our natures.

Dreams, goals and aspirations are vital for human accomplishment. Without them our compasses for achievement will lead us nowhere. We will be lost in a morass of mediocrity struggling to extract some meaning from our mundane lives. Icarus may have crashed, but Daedalus’ imagination provided a pathway to liberty. Most of us lack the time, energy or knowledge to design a structure for governance that encourages individual liberty while defining the parameters of limited collective action. Our learned and passionate Founders and Framers did that for us. Although their recipe for freedom was an imperfect construct, the self-correcting mechanisms in the founding documents gave later generations the means for improving the design or for compensating for oversights.

Unfortunately….because of any number of reasons, our political leaders through the years have not only chosen to ignore the beauty and simplicity of the original plan, they have nonchalantly failed to use the methods developed for changing or correcting our controlling legal document. Is the Constitution of the United States a flawed document? Of course it is. That is why the Framers included a means for correcting it….the amendment process. They understood that some course corrections would be needed, but they set the standard high enough so that an inflamed tyrannical majority could not abuse the minority. The three-quarters state approval would ensure a broad and diverse consensus for any proposed change to the Supreme Law of the Land.

Whether because of impatience or egotism, our political leadership has decided to ignore the wisdom of the amendment process. Consequently, they have consistently passed legislation, rules and regulations that are contrary to the provisions of the Constitution. They have assumed powers that the document does not allow without the amending process. I believe that one could legitimately argue that many of the legislative, executive and judicial actions are extra-legal and therefore can be ignored or brazenly disobeyed. The rule of law is a cherished component of our constitutional republic, but its impact and effect are abrogated when the government uses illicit means for creating laws. Therefore it can be logically and legitimately argued that defiance or resistance of illegal lawmaking is the duty of patriotic citizens.

If public servants fail in their responsibilities to the electorate, then it is an obligation for the citizens to correct the wayward course. Some could validly argue that bi-annual or quadrennial elections are a sufficient remedy for an out-of-control government. Historically that may have been true, but the severity of the problem has been exacerbated to the point that changing a few faces or names is not sufficient. Furthermore…it seems that when careerists move from lower office to higher, they often suffer from several serious maladies including deafness, blindness and severe loss of intellect. It follows, therefore, that when the “public servants” have demonstrated that they are incapable of legally performing their duties, the people must step forward. The people must march forth. Either Samuel Adams or Mahatma Gandhi can be a model for resistance, but resist we must. Patriots must march forth.

Charlie Earl

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