Monday, January 7, 2013

Legislating Cowardice

Legislating Cowardice
Charlie Earl

There are laws from God and laws of men (sorry, ladies, no political correctness in these columns). His laws define our relationships with Him and with others. Man’s laws attempt to cover every imaginable real and unreal contingency faced by all humans for all time. God’s laws endure even when we ignore them, defy them and break them. Man’s laws are generally bothersome annoyances with little relationship to reality….unless they reflect God’s laws. Illicit reproduction of great art and plagiarism of great literature are crimes in the world of men so…shouldn’t our feeble inadequate attempts to play god through the legislative process because considered a crime as well? All we appear to be doing is copying the original, trashing the original or “upgrading” a wholly adequate original by adding glitter and meaningless nuance. In addition…the plethora of man-made laws makes cowards out of many of us.

As I wander (and wonder) through these weeds of the philosophical justification for lawmaking, I must confess that the savage scenario from Newtown, Connecticut-Sandy Hook school prompted this exploration. Twenty little tots and 6 teachers were brutally murdered in a gun-free zone… a gun-toting loon. God’s law forbids murder, and we can all agree that the shooter performed an evil, un-Godly act. Man’s law would not allow guns on the property ergo the victims and their guardians were unequipped to fight the evil that accosted them. The outcome of this heinous crime has generated discussion, hysteria and new laws throughout the globe, but nothing will change. Murder will always be evil under God’s law, and Man’s law cannot prevent evil. Man’s law creates cowards who are fearful of standing tall and defending God’s law because it may conflict with the state’s power to control everything.

The Founders and Framers of our nation understood the wisdom of God’s law. In fact…we nearly failed to become a nation because some states wanted a declaration of personal unalienable rights included before they would ratify The Constitution of the United States as the supreme and guiding law of the land. Just as God’s Commandments are few and inviolable, the rules for governance in our legal beacon are limited and limiting. Crazy preachers aside, God’s law plus Christ’s grace are sufficient after many, many centuries whereas in the little more than TWO-century history of our nation lawmaking, law printing, law interpreting …. and law breaking have morphed into major industries.

There is no rational basis for the plethora of laws, rules and regulations that inundate us today. If one law can be ignored or broken, why not ten or 10,000? The micro-managing of our lives and behaviors has but two true purposes: to intimidate us into cowardice OR to assure that we will become criminals for breaking some arcane and senseless code. We lose. Controllers win. Tyranny prevails as liberty withers. The complexity of the code assures that the bolder members of a society will at some point violate the law. The law, therefore, becomes a tool for extortion and behavior control…. Law is control wherein certain behaviors are allowable and others are forbidden. The problem is that as more and more behaviors are deemed unacceptable, the freedom of the citizens is limited to the point where they become autonomists….or criminals.

A simple code is more likely to enhance liberty. Our governing elites however view “simple’ as simplistic. They believe those of us in “fly over country” are naïve simpletons who are incapable of self-governance. We are too ignorant to make good choices therefore they must limit our options and reduce our opportunities. It seems logical, therefore, that laws exist to circumscribe behavior and an over-abundance of laws exist solely to restrict freedom. The logical extension of this scenario is that we the people are either intimidated into docile behavior or targeted as criminal law breakers. Legislation and rule-making creates cowards and criminals.

Our choice as citizens is which of the two classes we shall join. The security of passivity or the dangerous path of liberty. Freedom….first, foremost and forever.

Charlie Earl

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