Friday, November 16, 2012

An Unmolested Life

An Unmolested Life
Charlie Earl

Our world and our nation have become a creepy place. If one is a student of history and a biblical scholar, one is aware that we’ve always been a creep-laden planet (at least since the Fall). For two hundred twenty-five years we in the United States have managed to avoid the more intense elements of creepiness because our Founders and Framers devised a plan for liberty wherein people were expected to assume personal responsibility for their actions. Deviants and perverts have always lived among us, but their impact and harm may have been somewhat blunted by the certainty of swift punitive justice if they were to step over the line. Shame, too, was a factor. Our communities of the past did not tolerate harmful aberrant behavior, and thus, twisted individuals faced a greater impetus for controlling their unhealthy behaviors.

Over time it has become clear that many of our communities’ restrictions were unnecessarily harsh and antithetical to personal liberty … gifted and granted by God. Many of the former ways and norms were over-zealous and too tyrannical and created pockets of resentment, agony and persecution. Discreet consensual activity should never be the province of the government, but governments cannot make moral choices, equitable decisions or fair judgments. Where government can and should intervene is when one’s behavior and actions harm another person either physically or materially. The force of government should be implemented to require accountable restitution or imprisonment if the damage was criminal rather than negligent. Damage to children should be handled particularly forcefully because they generally lack the means for defending themselves. Therefore, pedophiles and stalkers should be given no quarter.

There is a level or degree of molestation beyond individual versus individual that should never be permitted in a democratic republic. It is when the government assumes that it has the right and the moral authority to restrict individual liberty. When a government places little value on the peoples’ right to choose their individual destinies, it degrades their decision-making capabilities and thus undermines their accountability for their own actions. If the individual is incapable of making sound choices for him or herself, then the onus is on the chooser when those choices are bad, immoral or unwise. By limiting choice and personal responsibility, governments implicitly encourage bad choices and unwise behavior. The cascading effect is that some deviants may assume that their behaviors have minimal consequences because the sources of their choices are societal rather than personal. A lax attitude generated by the sense that someone else (government) determines life’s choices results in a diminished sense of personal responsibility… and shame.

Those of us who have been around for several decades can attest to the power of shame as a tool for subduing hurtful behavior. When the society and the culture are subservient to government, the prohibitions formerly enforced by society become meaningless because it is the government that assumes collective responsibility through its limiting of personal choice and accountability. Standards disintegrate or become confusing. Acceptable social behavior transforms into a kubuki dance of politically correct and “OK-for-the moment” types of aberrant lifestyles because individuals do not matter, and they are not responsible for the harm and damage they do. Molestation and abuse of any type at any time should never be tolerated. Yet an attitude that undermines individual freedom also discounts personal responsibility. When collective government-preferred mores replace individual consciences and accountability, inhibitions retreat, and shameless entitlement becomes the driving impetus for harming others and damaging their lives and property. 

The apparent flood of molesters, deviants, perverts and murderers who accost our children can be correlated with an overblown, impersonal collective government that denies individual liberty while promoting collective responsibility rather than personal choices and accountability. Big government is deviant and perverse because it has no moral base or foundation. Big government views individuals as threats. Big government at every level is the molester-in-chief and the number one enabler of those who unabashedly and unrepentantly harm others. Amorality begets evil. The new view is that we must understand and correct the malignant molester while we define the lover of individual liberty as a dangerous deviant. The lowest common denominator is now the ruler.

Charlie Earl

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