Monday, November 26, 2012

The Second Level

The Second Level
Charlie Earl

As a football aficionado and former mediocre running back, I’m aware that a solid ground game is usually necessary if a team is to succeed on game day. An effective running game requires the offensive linemen to do more than merely handle the defensive line. They must attack and neutralize the linebackers as well. Their efforts downfield can alter the game from a series of short plunges into a devastating yard-swallowing ground game. Consequently … when the running attack is successful, the defense is more vulnerable to the pass. Play action involves the quarterback faking a handoff to a running back, then looking downfield for an open receiver as the defensive backs hesitate because their first reactions are to lend run support. The bottom line is that a good offense is a result of running and passing complementing one another, and line blocking at the second level is a vital component for offensive success.

The time has arrived for liberty-loving people, patriots and constitutionalists to move to the second level if we expect to move the ball of freedom and gain ground versus the statists. When engaged in a make-or-break contest such as a playoff game or the future of the nation, scoring a shutout by totally dominating one’s opponent is desirable but highly unlikely. The key or purpose is to win. Tea Partiers, Liberty groups, 9-12 committees and their cohorts gained ground in the 2010 elections but not enough, however, to demonstrably change the American landscape. To continue our analogy…. we are stuck on our own 35 yard line with a positive but insufficient ground game. The liberal/progressive/socialist/statist cabals are our opponents, and they never become discouraged when we have small gains. They become more resolute and dangerous. Their linebackers, the second level, are people and politicians whom we have mistakenly assumed to be our allies. Their failures and weaknesses, their spineless acquiescence, and their “conservative rhetoric but statist actions” have provided cover and back-up for the progressives. That is why they are the second level.

Until the John Boehners, Eric Cantors, Kevin McCarthys, Mitch McConnells and others of their ilk are defeated by true libertarian constitutionalists, all patriot gains will be minimal and ineffective. I would attack the second level of Democrats, but I suspect the fiscally responsible ones have already left the party for the GOP or independent status. It is within the Republican Party that the greatest obstacles to constitutional self-determination now reside. Their “second level” enabling of the status quo allows us to have minor gains but no true victories. Their nefarious and unprincipled leadership has corrupted a once-grand party into an established mass of self-serving, ego-driven political tools. The kind of tools that the left enjoys exploiting and co-opting. The Republican “second level” has the backs of the leftists who are intent on tyranny.

If freedom loving people do not attack the second level with determination and vigor, many of our allies will grow weary of the fight. They will tire of small gains with little reward. They will lose hope and retreat into personal affairs and concerns. They will “go Galt” in the mental and psychological sense. They will not surrender, but they will disappear. Liberty, sweet Liberty must seize the moment and the momentum. We must advance to the second level and crush the opposition. We must exercise discipline and complete our assignments fully and effectively. We must defeat the second level to open the lane for big gains … and scores. We have no choice. We have no options. To engage in a continual slugfest while consistently losing the final score is a game plan for disaster. We must engage and control the second level to achieve victory. Just like a finely oiled offensive line, we must begin the assault simultaneously and coordinately. The scoreboard clock indicates that we are beginning the fourth quarter. Let’s break the huddle and let’s go.

Charlie Earl

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