Charlie Earl
It may seem
odd to characterize the time following the re-election of an incumbent as a “new
beginning,” but I truly believe that we are entering a new era of governance,
political participation and attitudes. Shockingly….for many Republicans….Romney
garnered ten million (10,000,000) fewer votes than John McCain or Bob Dole. The
amazing fact is that he finished as close as he did to the Obama machine (3
million behind). Whereas Obama governed during his first term as one who may
stand for re-election, he has no such restriction or brake on him for this
term. In addition he has strengthened the Democratic majority in the Senate,
thus increasing the likelihood that GOP filibusters will be ineffective.
In 1854 in
Ripon, Wisconsin, an event took place that began a major political realignment
in the United States. Slavery was the dominant social and political issue of
the time, and many Democrats were disturbed by their party’s failure to condemn
the evil practice. In fact many of the leaders of the Democrats were pro-slavery
advocates. The Whigs, too, had divisions within their ranks along the same
lines. Many believed that the Whig Party should be aggressively abolitionist
while others urged a more cautious approach particularly regarding the
expansion of slavery into western territories. The Whigs split. The Democrats
lost a portion of their followers, and the Grand Old Party emerged as the shining
beacon of freedom in a chaotic and soon-to-be dangerous America. It was the
platform and policies of the Republican Party that motivated southern leaders
and legislatures to threaten secession of the GOP prevailed in the 1860
Presidential contest. Lincoln won. War followed. Hundreds of thousands died.
Millions were dislodged and damaged. The United States were dramatically altered.
The new GOP
was formed a mere 67 years following the ratification of The Constitution of the United States of America. The Republican
Party and the Democratic Party have shared national power for 158 years since
then (+ 4 more with Obama’s new term). Institutional slavery and its
consequences is a basic moral and liberty issue. One cannot be a nation that
respects freedom and individual liberty when the law gives some the right to own the persons and the property of
others. Liberty is a sham when some people are denied their personhood and
reclassified as property. The issue in 1854 was one of universal liberty. The
issues in 1860-1861 were more complex, overlaid and interwoven….but the bottom
line….for both sides was liberty. Given the nature of the two old parties
today, one could assume that liberty or morality, for that matter, are no
longer paramount considerations. Power and its exercise are the prime
motivators for the Democrats and Republicans of today.
The formation
of the GOP was a result of the two dominant parties’ failure to embrace the
very essence of individual liberty. The organizers understood that the
principles and foundations of our late-Eighteenth Century beginning had been
corrupted. A mere six and one-half decades passed before people of conscience
and commitment decided that the duopoly was inadequate for a nation dedicated
to the concept of freedom. The mid-Nineteenth Century in America was bloody and
divisive, and it was fueled by passion and fervor. Now….today…..a century and a
half later….for some inexplicable reason we fail to do what our conscientious forbears
have done. We are too timid to dismantle the status quo. We mock and dismiss those who point out the flaws of
the system. Why is it so many of us lack the courage…. or the conviction (the
biblical sense) to turn away from an archaic apparatus that demeans all of the
principles our Founders and our Restorers held so dear?
People who
exhibit some measure of self respect and who have a passion for freedom must
note that neither of today’s old parties embraces liberty. Each of them in
their own perverted way supports bigger, more oppressive government. Each of
them has formed powerful coalitions with special interests that run roughshod
over the will of the people. Each of them has turned a deaf ear to the “little
people” of the land in their never ending quests for the new demographics. Each
of them has outlived its usefulness, and each of us should resolve to end their
manipulation of our lives. The time has arrived for a new beginning because we
are facing a tragic end.
Charlie Earl
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