A Letter
Charlie Earl
This column was published on April
28, 2011. The feedback I received was extensive. Unfortunately, I fear it is
more necessary today than it was then.
Officeholder (substitute title and name),
As a citizen
I wish to thank you for your willingness to step forward and serve in public
office. It must be challenging to voluntarily place oneself under intense
scrutiny in order to run for political office. I do take your role as a leader
very seriously, so please bear with me as I share with you some of my concerns
and criticisms.
When you
chose to serve in public office and ran for election, there was an implicit
understanding that you would give your very best effort to confront and resolve
many of the problems facing us today. One of the basic elements of
problem-solving is to stop the problem from becoming worse when attempting to
resolve the issue. In my view, you and your colleagues have failed in that
regard. Despite all the rhetoric about “directions” and “paths,” our
difficulties continue to grow more ominous. High-sounding language and
back-room deals do NOT stop the bleeding. Commitment to principle and devotion
to YOUR OATH of office will staunch the flow. Our troubles have been caused by
two primary factors: political leaders who try to please everyone by
overspending and public “servants” who ignore the Constitution of the United
When our
political leaders maintain fidelity to the Constitution, they do not wander
into the thickets of irresponsible spending and denial of individual liberty.
Every time a public servant strays outside the constitutional limitations the
citizens either lose freedom, money or property. Government does not produce
anything of value. Government is merely a redistribution mechanism, and indeed,
an inefficient one at that. Our brilliant Founders recognized that for a nation
to prosper the people must enjoy the maximum freedom allowable for a civil
society. You and your colleagues have either unconsciously or intentionally
undermined the beautifully balanced system anticipated and designed by the
Framers of our country.
Many people
who enter public life want to do “good.” When they drift beyond the parameters
of the Constitution, the “good” often becomes chaotic and counter-productive.
Your oath, if taken seriously, compels you to OBEY the Constitution…not to
forage far and wide while looking for social ills to heal. Government has
proven to be an incredibly flawed instrument, and for anyone to assume that
government is the best vehicle for correcting deficiencies in the social
structure is wishful and delusional thinking.
Perhaps I am
wrongly casting you among those who have grossly abused their power and their
oaths. If so, I apologize, but I do beseech you to stand firm…to speak loudly
and forcefully…to resist EVERY usurpation of our liberties and every violation
of the Constitution. Even if you are not actively engaged in the undermining of
our Constitutional government, you cannot comply with or ignore those who are.
Your sworn duty, before God and the citizens, is to uphold and defend the
Constitution of the United States. Meekly allowing others to run roughshod over
our freedoms while confiscating our hard-earned wealth without bellowing in
protest means that you are failing…failing to do your sworn duty.
If you
believe that all the extra-constitutional legislation and regulation is
justifiable, or if you accept that some of the unconstitutional governance is
acceptable, then do the honorable thing and resign from office. If, however,
you share my dismay with the unconscionable perversion of our Constitution,
then fight with fury…fight with fervor. The stakes are too high for comity and
collegiality to rule the day. When your time on earth has ended, do you want
your legacy to be one of a smiling, pleasant public servant who watched the
nation crumble? Dear public servant, please climb out of your comfort zone and
take the hill. Your constituents need you to defend our liberties and our
futures. Do it now.
(Mr./Ms.)____, are you willing to endorse and actively support legislation that
eliminates the officeholder immunity provisions of the law and would make
public “servants” legally liable for violation of their oaths or the
Constitution? I eagerly await your response. If you do not reply, I must assume
that you favor unconstitutional tyranny rather than true public service. Our
land of freedom is at stake. It is time for YOU to step forward and FIGHT.
Charlie Earl
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