Monday, December 24, 2012

The Child King

The Child King
Charlie Earl

It really doesn’t matter when the birth of Christ occurred. We assume that December 25th is probably not the actual date of the anniversary of his birth. What really matters for me is that it happened at all. God didn’t have to do that. He had given us The Law and watched us violate it time after time. He had cautioned us and warned us through his prophets, but yet we disobeyed. So tonight and tomorrow I will celebrate the birth of a child who is the King. It is something that I should do every moment of every day, but I’m too self-centered to be constantly focused on the miracle of grace.

None of us is perfect although there are some who sense that they may be nearly perfect. The odd thing is that as one draws closer to God through Christ, the more one is aware of his flaws and her weaknesses. When I observe people who hold positions of leadership and power, I am reminded that the greatest attribute of righteous leader is humility. A person who seeks the heart of God is humble enough to know that he or she cannot conceivably know all the right answers. A humble leader turns to a greater source of wisdom than his own. A truly powerful leader does not have to intimidate or force the people to follow her because she knows her power is not generated from within, but is granted and directed by Him.

A wise leader who walks in righteousness and humility does not waver when the people demand an unprincipled route. Moses went to the mountain to retrieve the Law, and Aaron failed the test of righteous leadership while he was gone. Righteousness and humility are particularly important for a republic wherein the elected and appointed public officials ideally fulfill their roles with a servant’s attitude. An arrogant leader suffers under the illusion that he always knows what is best and has little regard for the principled path even when the people insist that he act with integrity. It is a fine line….knowing when the people are supportive of principle OR standing against them when they are not. Wisdom and discernment are rare.

Clearly we have no leaders who possess all the necessary requirements for guiding our nation through good times or bad. Each of them just like each of us is flawed and imperfect. A “Cliff-notes” glance at human history informs us that most people are followers, a few are leaders and a very small number can honestly claim the ideal attributes of a leader for a free people. It seems obvious to me that our guiding principle if we desire to remain a free people is found in Proverbs, Chapter 3. Trusting in all-too-human people for our protection and salvation is risky and disappointing. The only solid rock of consistent integrity is in the One who created us, nurtures us and loves us.

This Christmas time is filled with uncertainty and angst, but that hardly makes it historically unique. Because we are fallible and fallen, we will always be accosted by doubt, indecision, suffering and evil. Our only true source of peace and security lies in Him who gives us life. We have failed him, however, and have proven ourselves to be unworthy of His intervention and concern. His mercy and His love are greater than our feeble excuses for doing the things we do, so He has given us a new key to His Kingdom. We celebrate the gift of that key this week. The gift---both man and God—was wrapped in rags and delivered in a stable. This week we welcome our true leader who will not fail us. We welcome the Child King into our hearts, our lives and hopefully into our nation as well. Have a merry and blessed Christmas.

Charlie Earl

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