Monday, December 3, 2012

The Right to Annoy

The Right to Annoy
Charlie Earl

Please read this entire column because I have fabricated a “right to annoy” you from whole cloth. YOU have no right to deny my right to pester the living excrement out of you if I believe that my right trumps yours. It does. Clearly in 21st Century U.S.A. the inherent rights of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” are no longer sufficient. An endless list of rights has emerged that appear to satisfy the longings of every unique person in our nation. It would seem that if you can conceive or create a “right,” then so it shall be. Therefore…I hereby claim my right to annoy.

Yes, I understand that my newly formed right may conflict with others’ self-claimed preferences, but that’s too bad. It’s MY right, and I’m sticking to it. Even the government (aka: Big Brother) agrees with me although there are some minor exceptions. According to BB (again, Big Brother) I may not annoy anyone by using explicit, implicit, hidden or unintended racial references. In fact I may not use any term, word, gesture or facial expression that might be construed as having a racial component… unless I’m referring to Caucasian males then there are no limits. Inflammatory language is forbidden even if the language itself has no historical racial component. For example: If I were to annoy someone by saying,” You’re all wet. Go back where you came from,” I could be charged with overstepping the limits of my annoyance quotient by using the words “wet” and “back” in the same paragraph. That is a big No-No. I would hate to be charged with a hate crime while exercising my absolute though limited right to annoy. Context no longer matters.

You may ask “why would I lay claim to something as ludicrous as a right to annoy when there are so many other unclaimed rights waiting to be asserted?” then again, you may not ask it because I find the query annoying, and the right to annoy is all mine. Clearly in 21st Century America the underlying philosophical theme for governance is that all rights emanate from government, therefore no rights can exist without government concurrence and protection. Nearly as clearly understood is that “rights,” as defined by government, are not universal. They are limited and prejudiced. Government determines who is entitled to certain rights and the limits for exercising them. Therefore in the allocation of rights, government decides who is worthy and who may not benefit from that particular element of government behavioral largesse. So…I am claiming the right to annoy as my own because the other meaningful rights such as healthcare, housing, subsistence, the right to NOT be offended, and the right to confiscate the property of others have all been taken. I find it annoying that so few rights are available for me, so I shall fight back by annoying the ever-loving crap out of those who have chosen more substantive rights…. if my right to annoy doesn’t conflict with any of the innumerable rights already granted by Big Brother to others.

Fortunately for me and my self-claimed right to annoy, many of the readers of this column are NOT members of a special-rights protected class. You are Tea Party members, conservatives, libertarians, constitutionalists, anti-government spending advocates or low-tax promoters, and therefore are considered by the government as irritants and potential subversives. The government gleefully allows me to exercise my right to annoy as long as I annoy you… often and harshly. Now you know why my writing sometimes makes you so angry. The Devil made (government encourages) me (to) do it.

Charlie Earl


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