are Immoral and Illustrative
Charlie Earl
You won’t
see me dressed in a gaudy form-fitting Speedo outfit wearing an aerodynamic
helmet while riding my $600 hi-tech bicycle. No, I’ll be the one on the John
Deere Gator moving mulch and hauling rocks. As a fierce defender of individual
liberty, I prefer the exhaust fumes of expended fossil fuels over the pristine sights
surrounding a taxpayer-funded bicycle path. It does not make sense for me that
local governments expend funds for asphalt freeways for two-wheeled vehicles
when our bridges are crumbling and roadways are treacherous. What about the Marxist
mantra of advancing the greater good? Do not more people drive automobiles than
those who pedal furiously around our locales?
have no issues with adults dressing oddly and pedaling their butts around our
communities while exhibiting airs of physical and moral superiority. I simply
do not want to pay for it. Come on, super cyclists , reach into your
fashionable fanny packs, grab a few greens and reimburse some enterprising
entrepreneur for allowing you to pedal profusely on his/her personal property.
But…but….Charlie, you might whine….”what about all the softball fields and
other recreational opportunities that government underwrites?” You have a good
point, Bicycle Boy. Same deal. If you build it, they will come. Let the private
sector build, maintain and operate the fields. The teams and players can access
them for a fee (as an aside to anyone thinking of building a softball complex:
collect the fees BEFORE someone goes on a beer run). From a self-serving
perspective…. My recreational pursuits (or my physical fitness regime) are not
subsidized by government, and I resent my having to underwrite them for others.
But Charlie…. “If we build the bike pathways, the riders will not be on the
roads and highways interfering with other traffic.” Really? Have you driven
lately? They’re everywhere…..and they are the epitome of the progressive
mindset. Maybe I should call it the regressive mindset.
Because I
reside between Dayton, Ohio, and Dearborn, Michigan, I am aware that Henry Ford
and the Wright Brothers utilized bicycles as major components of their
respective inventions. Here we are after more than a century of technological
progress favoring the primitive mode of transport while the more advanced
derivatives are suffering from major structural deficiencies. At the same time…those
of us who are returning to the land to achieve some level of self-sufficiency
are ridiculed and placed on various government “watch lists.” It is absolute
nonsense. Up is down and down is up.
You may
think that given the heat and intensity of current affairs and the election campaign
that this column is addressing a rather frivolous matter. That may be true, but
tax-payer-supported bike paths are symbolic of how our nation and our
governments have drifted (or slid) off the path of fiscal responsibility and
constitutional fidelity. Imagine approaching Thomas Jefferson or George
Washington and asking for their opinions about the wisdom of
government-developed bicycle paths. I suspect that their individual responses
would either reflect horror or raucous laughter. Either response would be
justifiable and reasonable because those winding strips of asphalt that are
beginning to dot our nation are illustrative of how far we have moved from the
principles of our Founding. If the liberals/progressives/socialists/Marxists have
their way, bicycling may once again become our primary mode of personal
transportation…..unless, of course, you are one of the ruling elites. With our
liberty intact, we “powered up.” With our freedom slipping away, we may revert
to our more primitive past.
Further down
the page you will find a message from my brother in liberty and faith, Bob
Densic. Please read it and attend if you can.
Charlie Earl
Greetings fellow Patriots,
We are pleased to announce a new educational series from
Back To Basics and CedarCreek Church.
One Nation
under God?
America’s founders were united by their
deeply held spiritual beliefs which impacted the formation of the new nation.
The Bible was the source of many of the principles laid out, but today we are
no longer taught these truths. Come learn the story.Starts Thursday, October 11, 2012 at 7:00 pm at Cedar Creek Perrysburg. Every Thursday for 3 weeks.
We will walk through the placing of the foundation stones
of our nation as study in depth,
Planting the Seed: The ForeFathers journey from England to the new
Securing the Blessings: The Founding Fathers devise a nation.
Remember, Repent and Return: The modern assault on Judeo-Christian
principles and the duties of a Free Citizen
Our studies will consist of video from the movie “Monumental”,
and the two educational series “The Truth Project” and “The American Heritage
This will be an interactive course – your comments and
thoughts will be encouraged!
We need to know class size so registration is requested
(but not required):
To register:
Click on “Perrysburg”
Click on the first class 10/11 @ 7:00 p.m. – One Nation Under God
Click on “Register here”
You will be asked to create an account – this is an easy step and, NO,
they will not sell your information!
I hope to see you all there for this important
Back To Basics
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