Should Vote for Gary Johnson
Charlie Earl
You think of
yourselves as iconoclastic free-thinkers….unmoved by conventional political
arguments. Their bombast and baloney repels you as you sit above it all weighing
each decision carefully. Your self- image does not match the view that the two
old parties (the duopoly) has of you. They often characterize you as
representing one of four basic types. According to the duopolists’ meme, many
of you simply are “indecisive.” You are not the ones to call in an emergency.
Another portion of you could be described as “loners.” You do not fit in with
any creed, any principle or any group. A third category of independent is the
“contrarian (my favorite).” You seemingly enjoy swimming against the tide of
public opinion. Finally, many independents are viewed as “uninformed” by the
duopoly power structure. Rephrased….they think you’re stupid and clueless
(otherwise known as the swing voter).
think you are wise in a sneaky sort of way. Independents are not deluded by
tons of unwanted mail that urges the “base” to vote… early and often. I know
that I haven’t been a registered Republican for more than 7 years yet I get
daily mailings from the Romney campaign and semi-weekly ones from the Mandel
machine. So… you have already realized an enormous benefit from your
fence-straddling position. It is, however, less than a month until the final
voting day for the 2012 election, and I urge you to seriously consider Gary
Johnson, Libertarian, for a number of reasons.
Numero uno
(bi-lingual communication): Gary Johnson is the ideal standard bearer for the
indecisive person. Many who have difficulty making choices do so because they
fear making the wrong decision. A free-wheeling libertarian involvement will
not force you into bad commitments like most statist governing does.
Shoot…under Libertarian leadership you don’t have to choose at all…ever.
Government won’t bother you.
Second: A
Libertarian administration would be nirvana for recluses and loners. No Nanny
State or Big Brother will hover around annoying the crap out of you. You will
not be shamed because you do not support some meglomaniac’s schemes and dreams.
You can enjoy your own ideals in solitude.
The third
group, the contrarians, should vote for Johnson just because he isn’t one of
those other guys. He’s not a guilty member of the ruling duopoly. He’s not “the
next in line” to represent a political dynasty. He is not a member of the
Harvard-Yale-Georgetown incestuous cabal that pulls the levers of government.
He is anti-candidate for people whose voices have been muted. They say he can’t
win, and that makes him perfect contrarian candidate.
Governor Johnson’s name will be on 48 statewide ballots (Michigan and Oklahoma
are still in play), he is a superb choice for the uninformed independent voter.
Well…for at least one-third of them as they go through the “eenie, meenie,
minee, mo” process of selecting the grand poobah of the free world. The fact
that he appears on a minimum of 96% of the ballots in the nation suggests that
he has nearly as good a chance of capturing a significant portion of the
clueless vote as do the other two major-party/ruling-elite candidates.
So…clearly the out-of-touch individual now has more real choices and can assert
her/her preference….whatever the reason.
The ultimate
independent voter is really a closet Libertarian….but is too uninformed to
realize it. Where else could an indecisive, contrarian loner be happier? Gary
Johnson is the obvious choice for those who are not constrained by the shackles
of partisanship and mass media hype. He’s also a damned good choice for those
who prefer thinking about the good of the nation rather than merely postponing
or hastening our inevitable collapse.
Charlie Earl
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