Friday, October 26, 2012

Final Lap

Final Lap
Charlie Earl

Roughly ten days remain in the 2012 election cycle. The campaigning and positioning have been front and center for more than a year. From the White House to the state house to the courthouse candidates have been swarming around their districts and the nation attempting to win your trust and your vote. You certainly can be excused if you find the cacophony of political slogans confusing and overwhelming. Some might characterize it as “white noise”….the irritating pattern you see when there is no signal on your TV set. I suspect the noise factor is the reason that roughly 20% of the nation pays attention to presidential debates. The answers and responses are from one to two minutes in length and offer more insight than a carefully crafted 30-second commercial. In addition…body language, word choice and temperament can be indicators for determining a candidate’s true positions.

Then again, perhaps not. As Rush Limbaugh occasionally says, “Politics is theater for ugly people.” That may have been a truism before the advent of television, but now candidates must be passably attractive. So what we are left with in this modern hi-tech age are shallow beautiful people who have no need or desire to be openly candid with the voters. It’s no wonder that so many of our current public servants lack substance yet we continue to return them to office. Our 21st Century candidates are too pretty and often too shallow. Our hi-tech microwave culture has transformed us into a nation of impatient people who want quick answers and instant resolutions for our problems…. No matter how complex or petty.

The 1858 debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas were held in seven different venues across Illinois. Each confrontation was scheduled for three hours and covered one topic… slavery… in each and every case. Lincoln was gangly and homely with a high-pitched voice. Douglas was short and somewhat rotund. Neither was a pretty boy. Contrast their contests with our present-day versions. Each candidate gets a maximum of 2 minutes with a 1 minute rebuttal FOR EACH TOPIC OR ISSUE. It is no wonder that our current politicians lack depth, and our voters remain ignorant about their positions, philosophies and principles.

Our slide into big government socialism began long before the “idiot box” dominated our family rooms. However television, in my view, has been a major contributor toward our dwindling attention spans and massive chasms of ignorance. The slow march toward collectivism has been aided and abetted by our rapid decline in patience and reason. The march toward tyranny has accelerated to the point that it has become a gallop, and we have surrendered our tools for stopping it. This column is a “blog”…. an abbreviated form of discourse that is disguised as being thoughtful and somewhat comprehensive. It is but a “postem note” of rational thinking and argument.

Many of you may disagree with what I’ve presented so far even though if I had used a longer form with proper attributions and underlying research, you may have accepted my premise…. or at the least… given it serious consideration. Others of you are nodding agreeably with my shallowly-given points even when I have no supporting data aside from intuitive observation. I don’t fault you, nor do I masochistically beat up on myself. It is what it is. We have become who we are. If we are to restore our Republic to its Founding Principles, we must recapture the depth of knowledge and reservoir of reason that our Framers exhibited. As we enter the final lap of the 2012 race, let us pledge to continue the trek beyond the “winner’s circle.” If we do not, the victory will be a pyrrhic one. May God truly bless you as you ponder the decisions you must make in the coming week.

Charlie Earl

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