Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Fails to You

Happy Fails to You
Charlie Earl

Growing up as I did in the 1950’s I was a fan of the western heroes: Gene Autry, the Cisco Kid, Hopalong Cassidy and Roy Rogers. It made me sad when the show would come to an end, and Dale and Roy would sing the “Happy Trails” song. The key line for a young buckaroo like me was “until we meet again.” It gave me hope and encouragement that Pat, Dale, Bullet, Trigger and Roy (+NellieBell) would be back to thrill me in another long, long week. Recently….during one of my fits of fruitless pondering, I thought about my western heroes and how they compared to my current big government. Pass the Tums, please.

Although my heroes often found themselves in difficult situations, their commitment to justice and their strong characters drove them to prevail. To the contrary our big over-bloated government routinely discovers tragic circumstances and injustice then systematically goes about making the situations much worse. Take poverty, for example, our nation has been conducting a “War on Poverty” since the mid-1960’s, and here we are nearly 50 years later (a half century) only to observe that 2012 has the highest level of poverty since The Great Depression. Another glaring example of the incompetence of big government is the ineffective “War on Drugs.” Drug use in the United States has not diminished in the period since the ill-advised policy was enacted, but crime syndicates, particularly Mexican cartels, have thrived. In addition, the prison population in the United States has soared beyond those of despotic nations across the globe because of our imprisoning drug offenders. Costs to the taxpayer have risen to astronomical heights and the “problem” has not been curtailed. Bad policy with fruitless outcomes and wasted lives.

One of the very few enumerated powers for the federal government is cited in the Preamble to The Constitution of the United States of America. The federal government is charged with providing for the common defense of the nation. Yet, time and again, over and over, the federal government distorts and aborts this vital mandate. Our brave and highly efficient volunteer forces are deployed across the globe while our borders have become porous. Our agencies which have been designed for internal security consistently harass and abuse solid citizens while refusing to use technology and common sense to limit the potential for terrorist mischief. Sieve-like borders are welcome mats to those who would harm us, and the over-emphasis on our own people allows the evil-doers to hide among the clutter of information collected by the various federal agencies. Government is too big and too inefficient to protect us, and indeed, has itself become a threat to our liberty.

The late former President Ronald Reagan was fond of reminding us that if you want more of something, subsidize it. If you desire less of something, tax it. Our massive government apparatus has illustrated The Gipper’s wisdom in spades. Too many subsidies and too many, too high taxes have distorted the free market beyond all recognition. This twisted focus is not only a problem in the corporate world but in the arts, education and other areas of human endeavor. Many people were justifiably outraged by Andres Serrano’s infamous “Piss Christ.” If government were not subsidizing art of any type, such controversial and blasphemous pieces might never see the light of day….or be relegated to an alley shop in Chelsea.

Subsidies are wrong because the power of government force is used to transfer wealth from your earnings into the hands of others….without your specific permission. Tax codes or user fees should be designed to finance a constitutionally limited and compliant government. Taxes and their collection should never be instruments for social engineering and behavior modification. It is immoral to use taxes for that purpose because a worker’s labor is forfeited for “the greater good.” That is a collectivist ideal and is inconsistent with the concept of a republic of free people. The government is nothing more than a collection of human beings who are commanded by a few or are entangled in red tape and paperwork. It is inefficient, ineffective and, at best, amoral. It is the beast with no brain. The smaller the beast, the more easily it can be controlled.

Charlie Earl

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