Monday, October 15, 2012

Economic Independence

Economic Independence
Charlie Earl

There seems to be a tipping point when economic conditions become difficult that determines whether the people are restless and disgruntled or whether they become passive and resigned to their fates. When that critical position is reached, many people cease their struggling and concentrate on coping with the burden. In a sense I suspect that we may be nearing that point. Although I detect a lot of anger and dismay among many of the voters I know, I do not perceive a burning passion surrounding many of them. It’s almost as if they are preparing themselves for disappointment.

The two major-party candidates are polar opposites in their approaches to the private sector/public sector rhetoric. Governor Romney pledges to unshackle the regulatory bindings that are restraining economic growth, and President Obama promises to pursue the socialist pipe dream of fairness. I believe, in this regard, that both of them are sincere, thus suggesting stark differences in their methods for governing. It seems, therefore, that if Romney were to emerge victorious, his policies would result in a burst of economic activity that could quell the ambivalence and malaise that appears to surround many of our productive sectors. That is a good thing. Economic freedom and opportunity are vital components for liberty. On the other hand…

Just like the prisoner that escapes from confinement there may be an immediate sense of freedom until the sheriff’s posse hunts him down and drags his sorry butt back to reality. President Obama has radically expanded federal and administration power through Executive Orders and the extra-constitutional appointment of multiple “czars.” Historically, the federal government’s reach and power continues to grow under both of the old parties. The Democrats ratchet it radically larger and the Republicans tweak and expand the government monster. Each party has a different approach for expanding their power, but the bottom lines are eerily similar. The GOP pays homage to private-sector business and economic activity while advancing the elements of crony capitalism and restrictive personal liberties. The Democrats kneel at the altar of the “disadvantaged” while advancing the elements of crony capitalism and restrictive personal liberties.

Neither of the parties honors, follows or obeys the Constitution of the United States of America. Indeed….their respective approaches to unconstitutional governance have insured that as time goes on, inherent class and economic differences among us will be expanded and lead to more divisiveness in our nation. I fear that our battles on the economic front will distract us from the real battle: growing government’s continued usurpation of individual liberty. Both parties embrace the growth of government and the use of government power to force compliance with their world views. The capacity for government’s abuse of power grows daily, and neither party is inclined to reverse the trend.

While I personally yearn for an economic turnaround, I fear that robust economic activity will mask the continual growth of government power because our eyes will be diverted toward opportunity and away from government abuse. We may be so relieved to have an open business and employment environment that we will not see the growing shadow of an increasingly oppressive government. The promise of prosperity may become a fatal distraction.

Charlie Earl

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